May 20, 1914


Radical Agitators Have a Freer Rein in New York Than They Ever Had Before


(Written for the United Press.)

NEW YORK, May 20.—"Never in their worst days were the blackest centers of Russia, and other European countries where anarchy Is fostered, any worse than certains of New York in regard to breeding spots for agitation against established government."

That statement made a few days ago by one of the moat prominent of New York's police officials, and a man who has studied anarchy and anarchists for thirty years along with his study of crime, aptly tells the situation in this metropolitan center of the' "Home of the Free." There isn't a shadow of doubt that anarchists and radical agitators generally have a freer rein in New York today than they have ever had before. And, strange to say, the man who is insisting on giving the "public forum speakers" and agitators the loosest sort of "free speech" rein is no other official than Mayor Mitchel, who recently narrowly escaped assassination at the hands of a poor maniacal old crank whose mind no doubt had become violently twisted through hearing day after day everything from God to government denounced by anarchists in the public squares.

Or course, some of these public forum speakers represent honest, God-fearing reasonable organizations such as union labor, etc., which are protecting reasonably against certain conditions that even the most conservative, tory-minded individuals admits are all wrong. But the majority of these speakers are preaching anarchy as black and destructive as can be heard anywhere.

Speak in Parks

At Union Square, at the foot of Benjamin Franklin's statute in Park Row, in Rutgers Square, and other public rostrums these speakers exhort crowds. It is not infrequent that a Socialist speaker and an anarchist or an I. W. W. exhorter begins to talk at the same time and within a few feet of each other. When this happens, the speakers make it fun for the crowds by heaping abuse on each other's heads.

The occupation of Vera Cruz and the Trinidad, Colo., coal strike in which militiamen and strikers shot each other down, furnished basis for such talk .by these speakers. The two events first, brought to general notice "Sweet Marie" Ganz, Reba Edelson, Gussie Miller, and other girls who follow Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, "Wild Joe” O'Carroll, who led the church riots, and the teachers at the Ferrer School of Anarchy.

"Sweet Marie" Ganz, by the way, was so named in irony, by the police because of her foul tongue when haranguing mobs. Besides threatening to kill John D. Rockefeller, Jr. on sight, the Ganz girls cursed and blasphemed, hurled vile epithets at men and women in the crowd who annoyed, her by jeering or asking her questions, and made herself generally the very opposite of the name the police gave her.

Marie is a pink and white complexioned girl of 23. Her figure is of the voluptuous type and her eyes and mouth are extremely sensuous. If she did not follow too closely the habits of Emma Goldman in dressing she would make rather an attractive girl. Women critics might say that Marie's figure is sloppy or inclining to fat.

Girl is Jailed

The Edelson girl, who they say is extremely jealous of Marie because of the latter's, ability to "pull the limit and get away with it," until she was finally jailed for 60 days for threats, was thrown into a Tombs cell after causing a riot by her exhortations. Reba, or Becky as she prefers to be called, is very nice looking.

She is light and exceedingly well proportioned and is very tidy in her dress. Maybe that's one reason Marie doesn't get along so well with Reba. All these women call themselves "Red Virgins" and "Red Angels." The police say it ought to be "Black Angels."

See also

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