May 1, 1914


Banner Displays Skull and Crossbones and Caption "No. 26 Broadway."


Ordeal of Criticism Undergone During Colorado Strike Has Been Great Strain.

New York. N Y. May 1 A banner bearing a skull and crossbones and the caption "No, 26 Broadway," was displayed at a large meeting of the Anti-militarist league today, held at Mulberry Bend park, only a few blocks from the Standard Oil building.

Alexander Berkman. the anarchist who shot Henry C Frick, called the meeting to order. Marie Ganz was the first speaker. She reiterated threats of personal violence to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Rockefeller Broken Up.

Mr. Rockefeller did not appear at his offices today. His secretaries said that, although he was not ill, he was greatly broken up by the ordeal of criticism he had undergone In connection with the Colorado mine strike. They said Mr. Rockefeller felt he had been made to bear the brunt of criticism and he hoped in the near future to devise same plan whereby he may relieve the situation, so far as the demonstration against him are concerned.

"Mourners" were again marching up and down In front of the Standard Oil company building at 26 Broadway. A threat to keep a hearse on the scene did not materialize.

English Women March

Among the marchers were Sarah Greenwood and Elizabeth Freeman, English suffragettes. Miss Freeman was released this morning from the Tombs prison, against her will.

With Upton Sinclair and another woman, she had gone to prison rather than pay a fine of $3 for disorderly conduct.

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