May 16, 1914


Woman Leads Band Which Seems Bent on Murder.


New York City Has Never Before Experienced Such Demonstrations. Leaders Are Pupils of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, King and Queen of Anarchy In America

New York. — Unrest among the so called Industrial Workers of the World, anarchists and other kindred organizations has never before been pitched to such fever heat as now. Demonstrations protesting against various individuals and corporations are held daily. Dealing with the crowds is a great puzzle to the metropolitan police. Orators from the rank and file of the anarchists and I. W. W. are granted the constitutional right of free speech. Threats of murder and of assassination are frequently made in speeches.

The anarchists have never had fuller sweep in their scope of murderous endeavor in any country or in any city than they are now being given in New York.

That Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, the king and queen of anarchy in this country, count on a woman to turn the trick of reprisal is plain. "Sweet Marie" Gantz, a follower of the anarchists, openly declared, with a multitude of vicious adjectives that she  would kill John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and went so far as to seek the young millionaire in his own office and attack him. She is the head of the flying squadron of anarchy known as the "Red Angels." The police consider her dangerous. She never ceases to talk.

Officers are anxious to use their heavy clubs They know what it is to deal with anarchists. The youngest of
them have heard of the Haymarket riots in Chicago. In March, 1908, in New York, the Haymarket reprisals
came near being reproduced when Selig Silverstein threw a bomb into the police ranks. The bomb was poorly made, and it exploded in his own hand, killing him and wounding the people about bim He had a card in his pocket, a card with the signature of Alexander Berkman. vouching for him as an anarchist.

The cops are not at all in sympathy with the policy of watchful waiting. Moreover, they are puzzled by this new turn of anarchistic strategy—the employment of women in the game of murder.

Marie Gantz is only a private in the ranks, but she hopes to become a corporal soon. If she succeeds she will outrank Emma Goldman herself. That is net ambition, and her life's story verities the statement. Marie studied anarchy under Emma Goldman. She is as the most eager of the students of the red queen. She is young, a bit inclined to fat. lazy physically and somewhat frowsy, for the ladies of Emma's school do not take much time about their toilet. She is twenty-three years of age and was born in Austria, the most aristocratic country in the world perhaps. She says that she is a saleswoman, and she has sold goods, beginning with sausages to delicatessen dealers and ending with the selling of Mother Earth and other magazines that fly in the face of established law and order.

"Sweet Marie" is an ironic alias. The comps gave her the name because of her foul tongue. She uses profanity as an expert. No longshoreman could give Marie points in anathema. Curses ripple from her lips.

The cause of this unprecedented upheaval is attributed to the tragedies resulting from the mine strike in Colorado, when thirty lives were lost in battles between strikers and guards.

Protests are being made against John D. Rockefeller, Jr.'s. assertion that the mine owners wonld not recognize the unions. The young man has been hounded since he appeared before a congressional investigating committee and made statements to which the anarchists objected.

One of the features of the demonstrations was the daily appearance of "mourners." in front of his offices, each wearing a crape band around his or her arm "in memory of the brave miners who died in the coalfields while standing up for their rights," they said.

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