May 3, 1914
Arrested for "Inciting to Riot," She First Refuses, Then Is Glad of Bail.
Upton Sinclair to Continue Silent Protest at Standard Oil Offices Today
Marie Ganz, the anarchist who has been hurling unprintable epithets and
threats against John D. Rockefeller, Jr. in the last few days, was arrested
shortly before noon yesterday in Broadway near Rector street while on her way
with Alexander Berkman to join the “free silence” paraders in front of the
Standard Oil Building at 26 Broadway.
A warrant issued by Magistrate Murphy at the Instance of Deputy Police
Commissioner Rubin charged her with using "threatening language" and
"inciting to riot." She was taken through Wall street to the Old Slip
police station house and remained in a cell for about three hours.
“Sweet Marie,” as her street audiences have begun to know her, was
released on a bail bond supplied by a surety company and she left the station
house shortly before 4 o’clock subdued and quiet and accompanied only by H.
Robert Bernstein, an employee of the surety company. She will be arraigned in
the Tombs police court this morning.
A number of the striking miners are on their way from Colorado, it was
said at the free silencers' headquarters at 8 Trinity place yesterday, to take
part in the crape wearing demonstrations In front of the Standard Oil Building.
No one could say when the strikers will arrive because. It was explained, they
are "beating their way to New York on freight trains."
Upton Sinclair, organizer of the "free silence" daily stroll
of crape wearers in front of 26 Broadway, said last night that a number of young
men at the paraders headquarters In Trinity place told him they intended to go
to Tarrytown today and continue the crape procession at the Rockefeller country
estate at Pocantico Hills.
Sinclair, to whom "Sweet Marie and the, other shouters seem to be
a sad trial, declared he would take no part In the Tarrytown invasion. He will
not visit any churches either, in the hope of showing a crape clad arm to John
D.Rockefeller or Mr. Rockefeller, Jr. as some of the protestors against the
Colorado shootings say they would do.
"But I intend to walk up and down in front of the Standard Oil
Building again said Sinclair. "My protest Is not against Mr Rockefeller
personally, but against the invisible government of which he is a part. Therefore,
even if no one is in the building on Sunday, the visible protest against the invisible
government will continue just the same.
"I have no sympathy with these street disturbers who are bawling
like a lot of hoodlums and making unnecessary disturbances. We believe in a
protest of silence against an institution, and I for one will not hang around
Mr. Rockefeller's church or his country home."
Marie Ganz detonated around the “people’s forum” in the plaza north of
the Municipal Building during the forenoon yesterday and then headed down
Broadway with Berkman. Near Rector street a group of reporters who were waiting
for her to join the crowd watching the free silencers further down the street
accosted Sweet Marie.
“I’m going up to Rockefeller’s office again,” Sweet Marie told the reporters
“and leave the same message for him that I left for him before. After that I’m
going to hold a meeting in Bowling Green.”
Lieut. Murray J. Werzansky and Detective Henley of Mr. Rubin’s staff,
who had strolled up to the group had a different idea about how Sweet Marie was
to put in the noon hour. Werzansky interrupted some of Sweet Marie’s choicest
cuss words to show her the warrant they had for her arrest.
From that time on Sweet Marie spent an absolutely cussless day. She
seemed really pleased when placed under arrest but took the honor quietly. She
was born in Austria twenty-five years ago. She said at the station house, and
she is she added, “a saleslady.”
Someone called up The Sun last night to announce that a memorial
service for the dead Colorado strikers would take place at 3 P.M. today in
front of the Standard Oil building at 26 Broadway. It was said the service
would be conducted by the Rev. William Miller Gamble, rector of the St.
Stephen’s Church Coytesville, N.J., who would wear his robes.
“Mourners” Continue Night Patrol
and One Tries to Speak.
Five "mourning paraders" went" on patrol in front of
John D, Rockefeller Jr.’s home at 10 West Fifty-fourth street at 5:30 o'clock
last night and continued their weary walk four hours. They were Marie
Chapoufke, Sarah Greenwood, Max Appel, Arthur Caron and an unidentified man who
said he "Just came in from Tacoma, Wash."
Detective Billy Ward. detailed from Police Headquarters, decided that
the promenade was too short and compelled the walkers to lengthen the laps
until they extended from Fifth avenue almost to Sixth avenue. At 7 o'clock a
man who looked like n Kentucky Colonel mounted the steps of the Rockefeller
house and tried to make a speech. Ward made him scoot.
At the close of the walk the man from Tacoma took all the “mourners” to
a Sixth avenue restaurant.
It was announced that the walk will be resumed at 8:30 o’clock this
morning and will continue in relays all day.
Employees Ready to Resist Any
Move by Agitators
Tarrytown, N.Y., May 2.—If any I.W.W.’s or other agitators attempt to
annoy John D. Rockefeller, Jr., or his father at Pocantico they will meet with
strong resistance. Employees on the estate were asked today whether or not they
were willing to become deputies if the occasion arose, and all agreed.
The Rockefeller automobile has been meeting every train at the
Tarrytown station, but who the chauffeur expected could not be learned. At 10
o’clock three men came out from New York. They were immediately driven to
Pocantico Hills. It is supposed they were detectives.
John D. Rockefeller, Sr., played golf alone but tow strange men
followed him around the course and kept a sharp out look for strangers. It is
believed they were Burns men.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was not out all day.
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