April 14, 1914
Agitator Tries to Interrupt Easter Services and Fares Badly.
New York. April 13.—Miss Jane Est, who has taken a leading part in recent I. W. W. disturbances, tried to breakup the Easter services at the Madison Square Presbyterian church. Her effort failed in the face of the organ's heaviest tones, the voice of the congregation uplifted in song and the determined physical exertions of James H. Tibbits, the sexton.
The agitator said she came to instruct Dr. Charles H. .Parkhurst in theology. She has attempted similar service toward Father Schneider of the Church of St. Alphonsus.
The collection had just been taken, and the elders were turning from the pulpit railing after the short prayer. Mr. Montgomery was about to announce the next hymn. Then from her seat in the front of the row of the gallery above the reading desk a large woman wearing a heavy gray coat and a white veil stood up, waving a copy of a newspaper. In a high pitched voice she shouted:
"Ladies and Gentlemen—I have here an article written by the pastor of this church in regard to the I. W. W. This article is not written in a Christian spirit. It has nothing to do with the spirit of Christ."
There was an uneasy stir in the congregation. Some one in the rear of the church shouted. "Sit down! Shut up!" Mr. Montgomery seemed inclined to pay no attention. He announced the hymn, but his voice was not heard. The woman had raised her voice to its highest pitch, and she was so angry that her words were not distinguishable. It was just one scream after another. The congregation remained quiet, but Howard E. Parkhurst, the organist pulled his stops for full organ, and the church rocked to the sonorous tones of "Lift Up Your Voice In Triumph on High." She was later arrested.