April 6, 1914
Forces Way Into Trial of Pastor Who Is Charged With Misconduct
NEW YORK. April 5—Jane Est, heretofore identified with movements of the Industrial Workers of the
World, created consternation at the Metropolitan temple yesterday trying to force her way into the trial of Dr.
Jacob R Price, pastor of the Washington Heights Methodist Episcopal church, who is charged with misconduct by nine women members of his congregation.
At the door she was confronted by Dr Frank J Belcher, pastor of the Five Points mission, acting as attorney for the defendant.
"Let me in," she shouted in tones which immediately drew a large crowd. "This is not a private trial. Ecclesiasticism itself is on trial. Ecclesiasticism has always whitewashed the church whenever charges are made against pastors. These trials ought to be held out in the open where people can hear them. There is a great deal of talk about shielding the pastor.
"I want to see Dr. Price. I'd like to see him try to kiss me!"
It has been charged that Dr. Price, among other things, tried to kiss a woman member of his congregation.
Followed by the crowd, the woman succeeded in pushing her way into the temple, but could get no further that the witness room. Here she described herself as a "church cleaner."
During the I. W. W raids on New York churches recently, Jane Est was a prominent speaker. She compared the movement to the French revolution.
Mrs Hilma Dohl, whose testimony was excluded yesterday since her charge was not included in the general complaint, was allowed to take the stand. She said she had been improperly approached by Dr. Price and that she had subsequently received visits from two persons who tried with threats and intimidation to prevent her from testifying.
She had decided, she said, not to press the charges on account of her children, but on opening the bible for inspiration her finger fell on a verse which seemed to urge her action.
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