1914.07.23: 'BECKY' SCORNS FOOD

July 23, 1914

I. W. W. Woman's Nerve Still Stronger Than Appetite.


"If She Doesn't Eat, She Will Be Fed,” Commissioner Katherine Davis Says. Is Not Insane and Will Be Sent to No Hospital, She Declares—Could Go Thirty Days Foodless.

Special to The Washington Post.

New York, July 22.—If Becky Edelson's appetite^ doesn't force her to break her hunger strike, Katherine Davis, commissioner of corrections, will resort,' before many days more, to forcible feeding. 'And the feeding will be done in the penitentiary on Blackwells Island, not at Matteawan. Becky, who is serving three months for disturbing the peace in connection with the I. W. W. riots in Printing House square. Is being closely watched by the physicians of the institutions. She declined her fourth, meal today.

Just as soon as the doctors think the girl's physical condition calls for nourishment a tube will be placed in her throat and she will receive at proper intervals a life-sustaining dose of milk and egg and whisky, no matter how vigorous her protests.

Won't Be Sent to Matteawan.

Commissioner Davis does not regard a refusal to eat as a sign of Insanity, and the anarchist firebrand will not be sent to Matteawan because of her strike. So far she "has-not shown any sign of-mental derangement, and she will be kept at the island.

"If the Edelson woman doesn't eat she will be fed," said. Correction Commissioner Davis today. ,'We have had a great deal of experience .In forcibly, feeding prisoners, and there is nothing exceptionable or difficult in this case.

"Miss Edelson is not turning things upside down at "the penitentiary. She is not an exceptional prisoner go far as the routine of the institution is concerned, and she will not make any trouble. Neither will she be sent to. Matteawan if her mental .condition remains the same as at present.

"The case of Jane Est wag different. She also refused to eat, but .was insane, in the opinion of .the physicians. It was not her hunger strike, that landed Jane Est in Matteawan, but insanity.

"She was- held under observation the prescribed three days by the physicians, who satisfied themselves she was not sane and, sent her; to the asylum.

Jane Est was given three months in June for disturbing a public meeting. She was one of the I. W. W. church raiders.

The fact that this hunger strike is being handled entirely by women has caused city officials to show unusual interest in- the case. Assisting Commissioner Davis are a woman physician, .a woman matron, and a woman nurse. Four hospital interns have been assigned to watch Miss Edelson constantly to see she does herself no harm.

Hope for Collapse Today.

"Becky herself. hopes for a complete collapse .tomorrow; but she is so healthy and well nourished that Commissioner Davis thinks she could go without .food .thirty days without harm. The usual custom is to allow at least four days, to elapse before forcible feeding is resorted to.

If Becky is hoping for the early use of the tube to end her martyrdom she may be sadly disappointed. She won't get any nourishment, until the doctors, think she needs it, unless she breaks her strike and eats.