March 7, 1914
Starch Taken Out Of I. W. W. Leaders By City Magistrate
New York, March 7.—The holding of Frank Tannenbaum for Inciting to riot and the sentencing of two of the army of the Idle to the workhouse for thirty days took the starch out of the I. W. W. meeting at Rutgers square. The drizzle of snow and sleet completed the work of repression and all the police had to do was look on.
The men finally went into a hall at 174 East Broadway, hired by Leonard Abbott, president of the Free Speech league, where they made remarks about Mayor Mitchel's intelligence and talked themselves into a state of apathy. It was evident that there was no one who cared to take Tannenbaum's place as leader.
A sullen crowd of anarchists, labor leaders and sympathizers filled the room. The holding of the impetuous
Tannenbaum responsible for felony in inciting to riot and making inflammatory utterances, coming as the second blow, seemed to be stunning in its gravity. Joseph Albers and William Green were tried and sentenced by Magistrate Campbell to thirty days of stone breaking at the workhouse with the plain intimation that the remaining 190 church raiders may expect the same punishment.
Until now revolutionary agitators have made heaven storming statements with no thought of being held
accountable. So when Police Commissioner McKay said he had taken measures to have the inciting words of the insurgent leaders taken down in shorthand little fear was felt among the riot organizations. But Detective William J. Hasklus was called to the witness stand and instructed to read his notes on Tannenbaum's speech at Rutgers square, made Just before the mob took its way to the Roman Catholic Church of St Alphonsus.
Streets to Run Blood.
Haskins said Jane Est had interrupted Tannenbaum with his remark:
"The people of France, when oppressed by the church, took things in their own hands, and the streets ran
with blood."
And the detective quoted Tannenbaum's reply to this:
"Yes. that's what we'll do here."
Lieutenant Gildea, Father Schneider and Father Kessler were witnesses against Tannenbaum. Thomas Pupp, a German speaking through an interpreter, told how the mob rushed into the church. Father Schneider said
that Tannenbaum asked if the church would give his men food, shelter and money, and after each of these was refused, turned about and led his cohorts into the church.
The first hard blow to tho mobs and agitators of unrest came' when Magistrate Campbell sentenced Joseph Albers and William Green each to serve thirty days In the workhouse. It was then evident that sentences aggregating about fifteen years would be given to the whole mob. And at this prospect the lenders of the I.W.W., who gathered at the headquarters in West street, were exceedingly gloomy.
After sentencing the two men Magistrate Campbell adjourned court for the day so that Assistant District Attorney Dickinson and Justus Scheffield counsel for the "army," could go to Jefferson market police court for the hearing of Tannenbaum.
When Magistrate Freschi arrived for the afternoon sessions of court he found awaiting him a copy of the Call, in which an article concerning the "army of the Jobless." with the implied threat. Above the newspaper heading was written in Ink by hand:
"Magistrate Freschi, champion of the Knights of Columbus, defender of the Holy Roman Catholic church, protector of Mayor Mitchel's administration, Jefferson market police court Postmaster,
deliver to addressee only."